Thursday, 11 July 2013

Dear Daddy Direction...

Thursday 11th July 2013
Dear Daddy Direction,
Hey Liam! 
Again I'm really sorry about not being able to write to you on your proper day, which was yesterday, but I was super busy! I'm so sorry and I hope you accept my Apology cookies because I actually made a batch! :D
Anyway, so finally we get to talk. WEll i get to talk. :D
So, the first thing that I'd love to say... Is about your 'transformation'...
Yeah, yeah I know it's old news but you know, I really want to now what gave you the urge to shave most of your Bieber-turned-Styles hair. Purely out of curiosity, not so I can start some trend or whatever.
I recently read on Sugarscape that it was because you were doing a photo shoot for TeenVogue and just wanted to try something different.
If it's like that then, that's fine not that I care about your choices anyway, because as long as you're happy then, I am too! That's kind of what kind of fan I am. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true in my case. If you smile I smile wider! No Bieber reference intended. And yes so the hair and the tattoos, honestly I thought you would be the last to get all the tattoos. The LOL whatever makes you happy right? I mean his soul about the tattoos, and something about what happened recently?
About Danielle.
Honestly, it's not my place or anything but I was kind of confused as to what happened. All I know is that, you broke up with Danielle because the paparazzi was getting too much, and honestly that's understandable. Nobody has the right to do what the paparazzi are doing, I get that it's their job but there are boundaries at some point. And I think that they should be able to respect the boundaries because even though it's their job to know what's going on, it doesn't mean that they have the right to manipulate your personal life in a way.
That might have been pretty harsh, but they messed with you so that messed with me. 
Honestly I think you and Danielle were a really cute couple and you had that kind of relationship, that anybody would've wanted so it's kind of suckish that you Guys are now broken up. But again it's not my place to say and as long as your fine-ish or okay-ish then I guess I am too.
So on to happier stuff. If you guys decide to read my letters together meaning that you read everybody else's and and everybody reads your and such and such and such. Full stop. Then I guess you guys would know that I have a place in mind that I would love to spend the day with you in and with you or grandma or in the arcade to the boys as well! 
I would love to see what kind of games I can beat you at.
Not many considering the fact that you work out and I don't. But oh well. It's the thought that counts? Is that even applicable in this situation? Meh who knows.... Cause it definitely ain't me!
What else to say to Liam....
Honestly I am stumped.
It's quite ironic if you think about it. I always imagine being best friends with you lot then the moment that I can speak my mind, I haven't got that much to say! Maybe it's a fangirl 
thing? or maybe it's just a thing. 
What would you say if you met your ultimate idol? I don't mean just fangirl-worthy idol... I mean IDOL.
Does that make sense? I don't even know anymore. I have a tendency to describe things with hyphens. :/ Bad habit because the words tend to get all jumbled up and confusing.
Anyway, SO I must say Au Revoir now and I will write to you soon! (The second week of next month)
Lots and Lots of Love and More Apology Cookies,

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