Sunday, 11 August 2013

Dear James

Dear Niall, 
First of, im really really really sorry that i couldnt send you a letter last week. I was really busy with school and had two exams and a test and stuff to do. I plead not guilty in court.

On a much congratulatory note. I want to say good job on breaking the Vevo record and congratulations on staying with One Direction for three whole years. It's at these moments that I love to call myself a true directioner because you boys give me a reason to say that. 

Thank you so much and I love you for that.

Moving on, there hasnt been a lot going on apart from the fact that you've been tweeting quite a lot lately. So I guess I should move on to what the theme is for these bunch of letters. 
Which is my pet peeves about what people think when it comes to you.

To be honest, I hate it when people say 'Is Niall the Irish one in the band, he's so ugly he doesnt belong to the band', I just feel like walking up to them and stuffing their big headed mouth up their bumhole but we all know that is not a good thing to do. 

But you know what at the moment I dont really care what people say anymore because you are who you are and i love you just the way you are. 

And no, im not about to break into bruno mars. LOL just kidding maybe i am who knows??

I also think you are a strong person for putting up with b**********and sometimes i just feel like waving a flag and saying go Niall you rock..

But I can't so that because I don't have a flag. :$:$ #TeenProblems

This is a really short letter I know I know but, it's gettin quite late and I still gotta do ZaynBears letter! So again.
And goodnight potatoe!
Lots and Lots and Buckets Full and Oceans Full of Love,

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